The HRCAV advises that all Association and Club activities are to be suspended until 18th May (to align with the suspension period for competition). This includes rallies, clinics, face to face meetings and social activities. We take this step to further safeguard our members, families and the community. The suspension period will be reviewed at the beginning of May and a further update posted.
Use of locked Club grounds for private training is to be strictly controlled with Clubs responsible for ensuring that the number of persons using the grounds at any one time is limited and the recommended hygiene and social distancing measures are enforced. Clubs deciding to close their grounds will be supported by the HRCAV. Further information will be sent to Club Secretaries by email today.
The HRCAV office will be manned, with staggered attendance to limit contact. Please be patient if your enquiry is not attended to in the usual efficient manner. A staff member will get back to you in due course. Any urgent business should be sent to [email protected] or by leaving a telephone message.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this difficult time. Please be careful and stay safe.
Ken Hammet