While restrictions have been removed for sport and recreation, there are still ways you can reduce the risk of infection.
Wear facemasks
- in high risk situations – eg: unventilated indoors
- if you have any symptoms
- if you are caring for someone with Covid
- if you are with people who may be vulnerable to Covid
Hold activities in well ventilated spaces
- use well ventilated spaces for activities
Stay at home if you test positive
While it is no longer a legal requirement for people who have tested positive to Covid to isolate, it is still highly recommended. If you must leave home, please take the following steps to help protect those around you:
- Avoid contact with people who are at higher risk of severe disease, including immunosuppressed people, older people, and people with a disability with multiple conditions
- Wear a mask when in an indoor setting outside the home
- Practise careful hand and respiratory hygiene
Address and mitigate risk in your Risk Management Plan.
Include Covid Safe steps in your risk management plan.
POSTED 5th MAY 2022
Clubs are no longer required to check vaccination status of participants unless there is a requirement to do so by the venue owner, local government authority etc.
People entering the venue are not longer required to check in using the QR code.
Close contacts are no longer required to isolate for a week (there are other requirements).
There are no venue limits.
Covid Safe plans ARE still required for Clubs and events. Address the areas of risk at your Club and concentrate on:
- Hygiene
- Social distancing
- Ventilation in offices and club rooms
- Signage
- Ensuring participants are aware of their responsibilities if they have Covid symptoms
The Covidsafe plan template will be updated in due course.
Latest South Australian advice
Please refer to the link below for an update on the Victorian requirements.
HRCAV release 1st Jan 2022
Latest Vic govt advice
While restrictions are easing it is still important to follow CovidSafe practices such as hygiene, social distancing and wearing of masks in high risk situations. Do not become complacent.
Latest advice from NSW
Note: NSW clubs are required to have HRCAV Covid Safe plans in place.
Latest advice from SA
SA advice indicates that, at this stage there is no blanket mandate for sporting codes / clubs to mandate vaccinations for participants / spectators / staff, etc. Should Clubs consider mandating vaccination, it is important to follow correct procedures to ensure that your decision is sound.
Review the latest information here. Border crossing.
Please contact the HRCAV office if you have any queries.