Chaff Chat

Our own monthly magazine

Chaff Chat is the Official monthly HRCAV newsletter, which contains any changes/proposed amendments to the rules and regulations of the Association, programmes for all official events and feature articles and general information of interest to members.

All members  receive an electronic copy of Chaff Chat for free.


Hard copies of Chaff Chat are also available.  12 month subscriptions cost $120. Visit the HRCAV shop (link on the home page) to place your order.


Advertise your business – find out more

Chaff Chat Advertising Kit_compressed

Email all adverts to the Editor by 15th of the month for next month’s issue: [email protected]

Competition and Event Ads

½ page Full Page
Official $ 35.00 $ 140.00
Unofficial $ 80.00 $ 200.00
TTT Events $70.00

 All ads must be pre-paid.